Digital Marketing: 6 tips your competitors probably follow

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One of the main challenges for the promotion of a company is the ability to achieve results, even with limited time and budget. Digital Marketing, however, offers a multitude of options for you to perform great actions and optimize your returns, without having to use all your resources.

Keep on reading to learn about Digital Marketing tips that allow you to strengthen your company’s image and optimize your results as quickly as possible.

1. Sometimes less is more

So, you created 10 social network accounts. And you’ve never used half of those platforms!

A common mistake new entrepreneurs make is trying to manage too many accounts on social networks at the same time.

When you are just getting started, focus and consistency should be your main goals!

Focus: Allows you to develop successful campaigns.

Consistency: Will be the key to starting your business.

Being consistent on social media will allow you to create a loyal following. Being consistent in SEO means that in the long run, you will save money instead of relying too much on paid advertising.

2. Create an email list

An email list is probably one of the most valuable and responsive resources you can have.

Hatchbuck has found that customers who buy products via email spend 138% more!

Probably many of their competitors are not even thinking about having an email list. Instead, they make the mistake of thinking that they can only get away with building a community of followers on social networks.

Of course, this is also a very important aspect! But when it comes to turning potential customers into customers, Email Marketing is one of the best ways to do it. But when it comes to turning cold prospects into paying customers, email marketing is one of the best ways to do it.

3. The 80-20 universal principle

The 80-20 rule means that 80% of your success will come from 20% of your efforts.

This principle applies to almost everything, including your content. Your company’s content can be created in a variety of different media: webinars, videos, blog posts, ebooks, etc.

But after all, how does this rule work?

80% of your content should communicate value, and 20% should focus on promotions. Content must be unique, appropriate, and relevant. It should solve real problems for your target audience!

Your success will come from 20% of your efforts, but the other 80% is needed to drive it!

If you are not convinced of the importance of creating useful content, then take a moment to reflect on the fact that companies with blogs receive 67% more leads than companies that don’t!

4. Improve the user experience

Improving the user experience (UX) will be the basis for each of your Digital Marketing strategies.

There are many Digital Marketing metrics and tips to measure the user experience:

  • The content of your site.
  • The communication channels you use.
  • An intuitive user interface (UI).
  • Intuitive menu navigation.
  • The loading speed of your site.
  • Chatbots to help communication.
  • A simple tone for your content.
  • The loading speed of your site.

But in order to make the right choices for these different areas, you need to keep your target audience always in mind! Have you thought about creating an effective Inbound Marketing strategy?

5. Find your place on Social Media

Most entrepreneurs know that they need to be present on Social Media. But some newcomers take this message too personally.

For most brands, this is a recipe for disaster.

As a business owner, your goal should be to determine your place on Social Media. This means that in the beginning, you should only focus on a few platforms with which you already feel comfortable.

After using these platforms for a while, notice how many interactions you are getting.

Your goal should be to find the platforms that provide you with more interactions (likes, comments, and shares). Don’t waste time on a platform if your audience is simply not there!

6. Use the right tool to schedule social media posts

You already know that social networks require quality content, published frequently, and consistently. To simplify this work, there are tools to help schedule posts.

Can you imagine how much time you can save by scheduling social media posts all at once? With Airdesk’s Social Media module you can schedule and share social media posts on Facebook, LinkedIn, and Twitter and create a list of ideal publishing schedules, with an unlimited number of links.

This way, you’ll never publish posts at times of low adherence. Manage your Social Media presence easily and boost your Digital Marketing strategy with the help of Airdesk!

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